This morning’s news of war in Ukraine is likely adding to all of our anxiety levels. Because we worry, we all want to know what’s going on. For a while, hearing what’s going on only adds to our anxiety. So how then do we deal with a time such as this. In Matthew Chapter 11 Verse 28 Jesus says to us “come to me all you that are weary and carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest.” Jesus reminds us that the control we long for, the certainty that we long for cannot be found in worldly reality but can only be found in the heavenly reality of Jesus’ relationship with us. The Spirit of God living in each of us draws us to come to Jesus. To come and lay down our burdens, our anxieties at his feet and trust that in Jesus we will find rest. Pray for the people of Ukraine, pray for their leaders, and as Jesus suggested in Sunday’s gospel pray for their enemies.