Have a very blessed and happy Covid-free new year. Today is New Year’s Day. I am never quite sure if I am at the beginning or at the end. I believe that much of what we experience this day is connected to both. We spend time being thankful and remorseful for the past year and hopeful and speculative for the year to come. One thing I find that is certain is uncertainty. However, we can find the comfort of God in our uncertainty over past and future through Revelation 22 verse 13.  “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End”. As people of faith, we are reminded that God is the beginning and the end. In our gratefulness and in our concerns of past and future, God is always there. So, actually we see that there are more than two things that are certain. Not just death and taxes but also uncertainty and more important the presence of God. Loving God, help us always to dwell in you, the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end. Our God is an awesome God.

Pastor Johnson