January 6th, Little Christmas—Epiphany, is the beginning of the season of light. The light of God, Jesus Christ in the world. In the dark season of winter, in the darkness of persistent health challenges, Epiphany reminds us that the light of Christ is brighter than any darkness around us. The light of Christ shines around us and within us to lift us up and to save us from despair. The spirit that descends on Jesus is the same spirit that fills us. And the voice that speaks in the clouds “this is my beloved son” also speaks to us “you are my beloved children”. As Jesus begins his ministry to the darkness of creation, we are reminded that our ministry also continues to the same darkness of creation. The same spirit that radiated through Jesus radiates through us. Don’t be a part of the present-day despair that is around us. Rather be the hope in the promise of the today that is with us. Through Christ all things are possible. Wherever you find yourself, be the light.